This is an education resource only. Ordering of all procedure codes on this website are subject to the Canberra Health Services guidelines for imaging orders.
*Assess in conjunction with Canadian CT Head Rules (RANZCR)
Mental status change, associated with:
coagulopathy or anticoagulant (increased risk of haemorrhage)
hypertensive emergency
clinical suspicion of CNS infection, mass, or elevated intracranial pressure
known intracranial process including infection, mass, haemorrhage, infarct
alcohol/drug use, medication related, hypoglycaemia, sepsis etc
persisting or worsening mental status
New onset delirium
New onset psychosis
Ataxia post head/spinal trauma
Ataxia without trauma
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
Cognitive decline, suspected dementia
Acute mild head trauma (GCS 13-15) with imaging indicated by clinical decision rule
Acute moderate head trauma (GCS 9-12), severe (GCS 3-8) or penetrating head trauma
Acute head trauma with unchanged neurological deficits with no initial finding on imaging
Unchanged, or new and progressively worse neurological deficits (short term follow up imaging) with positive finding on initial imaging (subdural, ICH)
Head trauma with suspected CSF leak
new or worsening +/- cancer history or suspected, immunodeficiency, or neurological deficit, positional, post exertion or sex, post traumatic, pregnant, papilledema
severe or sudden (ICH suspected)
epilepsy with change in seizure pattern or symptoms
first seizure, initial imaging
Hearing loss/vertigo
Polytrauma, blunt
Rapidly progressive dementia
Chorea or suspected Huntington's disease
MND initial imaging
Parkinson's, initial imaging
Orbital trauma with visual defect
Non-traumatic orbital asymmetry, non-ischaemic visual loss, diplopia or ophthalmoplegia
Skull lesions
Surgical indications, such as:
preoperative planning
evaluation of CSF shunt
postoperative evaluation post intracranial surgery
Intracranial haemorrhage (ICH), subdural haemorrhage (SDH), extradural haemorrhage, subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH)
Brain contusion
Ischaemic infarct (hyperdense artery sign), established infarct, subacute infarct
Brain mass lesions e.g. glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), glioma, neuroepithelial tumours, meningioma, metastases, pituitary tumours, vestibular schwannoma, primary CNS lymphoma, pineal tumour, intracranial germ cell tumour
Mass effect due to associated pathology e.g. mass, ICH
Skull # or lesion
Brain inflammation secondary to infection, abscess (often a post contrast scan is indicated also)
Cerebral oedema
Cerebral atrophy (age related and pathological)
Patient able to lie still for five minutes
Not claustrophobic (sedation may be given)
Cognitively capable of following basic instructions
Metal artefacts removed from the region of interest
No respiratory distress when lying supine
*Bony Windows also provided in most instances​

CT Brain - Non Contrast (Axial)
CT Brain - Non Contrast (Coronal)
CT Brain - Non Contrast (Sagittal)
Radiopaedia. CT Head. [Internet]. 2010 [updated 01 Dec 2021, cited 23 Nov 2021]. Available from
Radiopaedia. Brain Tumours. [Internet]. 2008 [updated 18 Dec 2019, cited 23 Nov 2021]. Available from
Radiopaedia. Skull Fractures. [Internet]. 2017 [updated 19 Sep 2021, cited 23 Nov 2021]. Available from
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists. Adult head: Canadian CT Head Rule. [Internet]. Sydney. RANZCR Headquarters, 2015. [Cited 23 Nov 2021]. Available from
American College of Radiology (ACR). Appropriateness Criteria. [Internet]. 2022 [Updated 2021, cited 23 Nov 2021]. Available from
Eisenberg RL., Johnson NM. Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology. 5th Edition. Elsevier Mosby, 2012.