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*Assess in conjunction with Canadian CT Head Rules (RANZCR)

  • Mental status change, associated with:

    • coagulopathy or anticoagulant (increased risk of haemorrhage)

    • hypertensive emergency 

    • clinical suspicion of CNS infection, mass, or elevated intracranial pressure 

    • known intracranial process including infection, mass, haemorrhage, infarct 

    • alcohol/drug use, medication related, hypoglycaemia, sepsis etc

    • persisting or worsening mental status 

  • New onset delirium 

  • New onset psychosis

  • Ataxia post head/spinal trauma

  • Ataxia without trauma 

  • Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)

  • Cognitive decline, suspected dementia 

  • Acute mild head trauma (GCS 13-15) with imaging indicated by clinical decision rule 

  • Acute moderate head trauma (GCS 9-12), severe (GCS 3-8) or penetrating head trauma 

  • Acute head trauma with unchanged neurological deficits with no initial finding on imaging

  • Unchanged, or new and progressively worse neurological deficits (short term follow up imaging) with positive finding on initial imaging (subdural, ICH)

  • Head trauma with suspected CSF leak 

  • Headache

    • new or worsening +/- cancer history or suspected, immunodeficiency, or neurological deficit, positional, post exertion or sex, post traumatic, pregnant, papilledema

    • severe or sudden (ICH suspected)

  • Seizures

    • epilepsy with change in seizure pattern or symptoms

    • first seizure, initial imaging

  • Hearing loss/vertigo

  • Polytrauma, blunt

  • Rapidly progressive dementia

  • Chorea or suspected Huntington's disease

  • MND initial imaging

  • Parkinson's, initial imaging

  • Orbital trauma with visual defect

  • Non-traumatic orbital asymmetry, non-ischaemic visual loss, diplopia or ophthalmoplegia

  • Skull lesions

  • Surgical indications, such as:

    • preoperative planning

    • evaluation of CSF shunt

    • postoperative evaluation post intracranial surgery

Pathology Demonstrated


  • Intracranial haemorrhage (ICH), subdural haemorrhage (SDH), extradural haemorrhage, subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH)

  • Brain contusion

  • Ischaemic infarct (hyperdense artery sign), established infarct, subacute infarct 

  • Brain mass lesions e.g. glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), glioma, neuroepithelial tumours, meningioma, metastases, pituitary tumours, vestibular schwannoma, primary CNS lymphoma, pineal tumour, intracranial germ cell tumour

  • Mass effect due to associated pathology e.g. mass, ICH

  • Skull # or lesion 

  • Brain inflammation secondary to infection, abscess (often a post contrast scan is indicated also)

  • Cerebral oedema 

  • Cerebral atrophy (age related and pathological)

Patient Preparation


  • Patient able to lie still for five minutes

  • Not claustrophobic (sedation may be given)

  • Cognitively capable of following basic instructions

  • Metal artefacts removed from the region of interest

  • No respiratory distress when lying supine



*Bony Windows also provided in most instances​

axial non con.gif
CT Brain - Non Contrast (Axial)
CT Brain - Non Contrast (Coronal)
CT Brain - Non Contrast (Sagittal)


  1. Radiopaedia. CT Head. [Internet]. 2010 [updated 01 Dec 2021, cited 23 Nov 2021]. Available from

  2. Radiopaedia. Brain Tumours. [Internet]. 2008 [updated 18 Dec 2019, cited 23 Nov 2021]. Available from 

  3. Radiopaedia. Skull Fractures. [Internet]. 2017 [updated 19 Sep 2021, cited 23 Nov 2021]. Available from

  4. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists. Adult head: Canadian CT Head Rule. [Internet]. Sydney. RANZCR Headquarters, 2015. [Cited 23 Nov 2021]. Available from 

  5. American College of Radiology (ACR). Appropriateness Criteria. [Internet]. 2022 [Updated 2021, cited 23 Nov 2021]. Available from

  6. Eisenberg RL., Johnson NM. Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology. 5th Edition. Elsevier Mosby, 2012.

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