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ct angio lower limb indications
  • Lower extremity trauma
    - High risk injuries include – distal segmental femoral fractures, high energy tibial plateau fractures, displaced distal femoral fractures at the adductor hiatus, open femoral or tibial fractures, knee dislocation.
    - Arterial laceration, occlusion, dissection or AV fistula/aneurysm formation.

  • Pulsatile haemorrhage, expanding haematoma, palpable thrill, audible bruit, pulseless limb - initial imaging

  • Peripheral arterial disease - claudication, tissue loss, ulceration, revascularisation assessment- initial imaging

  • Fibromuscular dysplasia, non- inflammatory vascular disease, connective tissue vascular disease, vasculitis

  • Popliteal arterial entrapment syndrome

  • Clinically suspected vascular malformation of the lower extremity

  • Post-operative arterial pseudoaneursym

  • External iliac endofibrosis suspected


ct angio lower limb pt prep
  • Patient able to lie still for ten minutes

  • Not claustrophobic (sedation may be given)

  • Cognitively capable of following basic instructions

  • Metal artefacts removed from the region of interest

  • No respiratory distress when lying supine

  • Not allergic to Iodine based contrast

  • No known kidney disease (eGFR below 30 as per RANZCR), however, acute setting consultant may sign to continue with poor renal function

  • No hyperthyroidism, may induce thyroid storm

  • Patient to have 18G cannula in anterior cubital fossa to enable a 7ml/s flow rate (20G cannula acceptable if flushing to 5ml/s). 

  • Preferably patient fasted for 4 hours

ct angio lower limb anatomy


CT Angiography Lower Limb - Soft tissue window (axial)
CT Angiography Lower Limb- Soft tissue window (coronal)
CT Angiography Lower Limb- Soft tissue window (sagittal)
CT Angiography Lower Limb (Knees down) - Soft tissue window (axial)
CT Angiography Lower Limb (knees down)- Soft tissue window (coronal)
CT Angiography Lower Limb (knees down)- Soft tissue window (sagittal)


  1. Patterson et al., 2016 - Clinical indications for CT angiography in lower extremity trauma, Current Orthopaedic Practice 27(4):p 400-404

  2. American College of Radiology (ACR). Appropriateness Criteria. [Internet]. 2022 [Updated 2023, Cited 20 Feb 2024]. Available from

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